Useful Telephone Numbers

Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 9177 650
Bereavement Trust Helpline
6pm to 10pm (Freephone)
0800 435455
Citizen Advice Bureau 03444 111 444
CRUSE Bereavement 0800 808 1677
Donna Louise Trust Hospice
(Treetops Hospice)
01782 654440
Douglas Macmillan Hospice 01782 344300
Families Health and Wellbeing 0-19
Genitourinary Medicine Clinic – no Doctor referral needed. 0300 7900 165
Haywood Walk in Centre 0300 303 1268
Leek Moorlands Hospital
Minor Injuries Unit
0300 123 1894
Macclesfield District General Hospital 01625 421000
Men’s Advice Line (Domestic Abuse)
Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
0808 801 0327
National Domestic Abuse Helpine (Women’s)
24/7 Confidential
0808 2000 247
North Staffs Hospital 01782 715444
North Staffordshire CCG 0300 123 1461
Registrar (Birth, Deaths and Marriages) 0300 111 8001
Relate 0300 003 2368
24/7 Freephone
116 123
Social Services 01538 483112
Stoke Pregnancy Advisory Service – no Doctor referral needed 01782 632784
Victim Support 0808 168 9111