One Health and Care

‘One Health and Care’ is an integrated care record for individuals registered at Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent GP practices that brings data together from the different organisations involved in health and social care.

Completely confidential and secure, it’s designed to help doctors, nurses and other registered health and social care professionals directly involved in your care to make better, safer decisions.

The information that they will be able to see includes:

  • Your name, date of birth, sex, address, telephone number, NHS number
  • The name of your GP Practice and GP
  • Medications, allergies, ongoing and historic conditions, immunisations and diagnoses
  • Test results, hospital referrals, admissions, discharges and clinics attended
  • Social and mental health information and care plans

Sensitive information such as attendance at sexual health clinics, fertility treatment records, and records relating to gender reassignment will not be included.

One Health and Care is available for access by health and social care organisations within Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, and data that will be available is as follows:

For more information, contact:



T: 0800 030 4563 (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)

The Practice is both a research and training Practice. We train medical students and provide research information to Keele University. We feel that this is essential for the care of our patients and to help improve NHS services.

From time to time GPs in this Practice may contact you about being involved in research with Keele University or the Medical Research Council.

Whether or not you take part is entirely up to you, and the decision you take will not affect your care in this Practice in any way.

If you have any questions or wish to be excluded from this list, please contact Matthew Berry, Business Manager on 01538 399152 or by email.